Ancillary Initiatives

Freedom to Learn


In 2019, ArtNg rolled out the Freedom to Learn campaign in response to the various instances of violence against schoolgirls in the country. Various high-profile female executives and personalities lent their voices behind this initiative to help spread awareness about this pressing issue.

Education Bursary Grant

ArtNg unveiled the Education Bursary Grant when the platform was launched in [2016] and aimed to provide support to 1,000 girls through secondary school. This is a general grant scheme, which provides direct support to vulnerable female students in Nigerian institutions.

How it Works

To be eligible to get a grant, the person must be a student enrolled in a Nigerian senior secondary or tertiary institution and a Nigerian citizen. There will be awards of N 50,000 each, made in support of the student’s education with applications being evaluated on student’s vulnerability and academic record.

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